Scholarship Essay Sample This post is purely temporary and initially for a period of one year. This was extended for a maximum period of 24 months. Post is co-terminus with the project. fellowship was conducted in full-time. Therefore, simultaneous employment elsewhere is not allowed. JRF will be asked to visit the mine and opencast and underground mining machines measure the vibration level and conduct epidemiologic surveys in mining associated with exposure to vibration. He will be asked to actively engage in data collection, interpretation and preparation of scientific reports.Scholarship Essay Sample fellowship is to keep ownership and does not imply any warranty or guarantee for subsequent employment by the NIMH to the recipient . The authority to award / terminate vest partnership with NIMH. Participants do not claim permanent absorption of NIMH, after the end of the fellowship.Scholarship Essay Sample Only short candidates will be called for written test / interview. outstation candidates called for interview for posts at Sl. No. 1 & 2 will be replaced rail AC III Tier / AC bus fare to the production of a ticket by the shortest route. There will be no reimbursement of expenses for local transportation.
How to Apply: By Post
Scholarship Application Deadline: June 7, 2011
Details Scholarship Information and Application
Rabu, 25 Mei 2011
Rabu, 18 Mei 2011
National Humanities Center Fellowships Scholarship Essay Sample

Scholarship Essay Sample Applicants must hold doctorate or equivalent scholarly credentials. young scholars and senior scholars are encouraged to apply, but they must have a record of publications, and Ph.D. just be aware that the center usually does not support the revision of a doctoral dissertation. In addition to scholars from all fields of humanities, the Center received an individual from the natural sciences and social, arts, professions, and public life are engaged in humanistic projects.
The Scholarship Essay Sample center is also international and gladly accept applications from scholars outside the United States.
Most scholarships are not restricted Center. However, some aimed at specific areas of research. This includes one scholarship for a young woman in philosophy and scholarships for Scandinavian studies, environmental studies, English literature, art history, Asian Studies, and theology.
Scholarship Application Deadline: October 15.2011
Further Scholarship Information and Application
Selasa, 17 Mei 2011
PhD Scholarship Essay Sample

Scholarship Essay Sample In addition, the PhD School offers a range of services to assist doctoral students with the practical things before admission, during their studies and career guidance after graduation. We invite you to use this website to enhance your knowledge of PhD School, the possibility of funding and the Faculty of Humanities as an attractive place to live and learn.
Application Details:
Scholarship Essay Sample Applicants must hold a Master's degree two years (120 ECTS) or equivalent, or expects to receive by 30 September 2011. Applicants must have submitted their thesis at the time of application, as far as the thesis is part of their Masters program. Applicants with a Master's degree non-Denmark will have their degree assessed by the Danish Agency for International Education to establish, if it is equivalent to a Master's degree Master's degree Denmark.
Application Deadline:
Application Deadline June 1, 2011
Further details:
For more information about these scholarships please visit the link below.
Rabu, 11 Mei 2011
L’Oréal India Scholarship Essay Sample Programme

This Scholarship Essay Sample program instituted in 2003 and has consistently helped young women to pursue scientific research and development. A scholarship of Rs. 250,000 / - each awarded to 10 promising young women and includes tuition for study in all scientific fields in college or university that is recognized in India.
This Scholarship Essay Sample is only for Girl students eager to pursue a degree course in medicine / engineering / biotechnology
or other scientific fields, in a recognized institution in India, which meets all these conditions: -
(A) Candidate should have passed standard 12 from Maharashtra or Delhi or NCR during the Academic Year ending 2011
(B) Candidate should have obtained minimum 85% marks in PCB / PCM or a minimum of 150 out of 200 in CET examination conducted in the current year.
2. Scholarships will be awarded to 10 successful candidates selected by L'Oréal India Private Limited, in its sole discretion. L'Oréal Scholarship Essay Sample decision in the case of a final and L'Oréal will not entertain any correspondence in relation to the reasons for the selection of candidates.
3. Candidates should submit this form duly completed in all respects in a sealed envelope clearly mentioning "SCHOLARSHIP" on the top left corner of the envelope. The envelope should be addressed to: The Cell Scholarship, L'Oréal India Private Limited, 2nd Floor, Peninsula Towers, Ganpatrao Kadam Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai 400 013 so that will be accepted at the above address on or before June 30, 2011. None of the items in the registration form should be left blank. In the event that the goods are not applicable to the Candidate, "NA" should be shown against the item.
Scholarship Application Deadline: before June 30, 2011
Details Scholarship Information and Application
Kamis, 05 Mei 2011
CSIR Scholarship Essay Sample Innovation Award for School Children

Scholarship Essay Sample Applicants must provide details of proposed innovations for the award in not more than 5000 words in English / Hindi including an abstract (in not more than 100 words), authenticated (by giving seal and date) and sent through the Principal / Head of School in which enrolled students and personal details on a separate page as follows:
Scholarship Essay Sample Innovation Title, Name, date of birth, school and residential address, grade, telephone number. (residence / school), e-mail.
Scholarship Essay Sample In the case of proposals that have been selected for state awards, national, international or equivalent, only the subject that covers repairs to be submitted for consideration CIASC-2011.Innovations Published / exhibited during the period 1 January through October 31.2011 may be considered for award.
Scholarship Essay Sample Applications for these awards do not exceed 5000 words in English / Hindi with the terms picture / photo will be considered. Write-ups should describe the subject matter in a problem-solution mode and highlighting the new features of innovation and profit.
Any Indian student enrolled in an Indian school below the age of 18 years as on July 31, 2011 can be applied. Students may make only one entry. Proposals may be submitted by a student or group of students.
Scholarship Application Deadline: October 31, 2011
Further Scholarship Information and Application
Minggu, 01 Mei 2011
Role of the Ras-related GTPase RhoBTB3 Scholarship Essay Sample in haemostasis and thrombosis

This Scholarship Essay Sample is an excellent opportunity for training in basic cell and molecular biology techniques (immunoblot / immunoprecipitation, flow cytometry, fluorescence / confocal microscopy, proteomics) is received and the study of cellular signal transduction. The Scholarship Essay Sample student will have a research group, multidisciplinary approaches used to identify new mechanisms for the regulation of platelet function and determine whether these newly identified mechanisms targets for prevention and treatment of arterial thrombosis may associated with his heart and circulatory disease.
Scholarship Essay Sample Candidates must hold or expect a first class degree or higher second class in a specialized field of biological sciences to achieve.
The studentship is funded by the Hull York Medical School (University of Hull) for three years from October 2011 and is open to UK/EU nationals (fees and maintenance) and overseas students (full tuition fees). For more information see:
Deadline for application 31 May 2011
Informal enquiries should be directed to Dr Francisco Rivero (
Further Information
Application Deadline : 31 May 2011
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